
The payment system for registration is now open.

Please follow the link below where you will be taken to the UCL payment system (another registration needed, sorry!) to register to attend the conference and reserve your spot. 

Fees and registration process

The fees for attending the entire conference are set out below. Units are Great British Pounds (£).

Fees for full conference delegates include: 

Registration fees: full conference delegates

Standard conference attendance: £800 per delegate

Early bird discount (registering before midnight Friday 7th June 2024) for non-students on standard conference attendance (20%): £640 per delegate

Student discount on standard conference attendance (50%): £400 per delegate

Single day attendance fees for industry (non-academic) delegates

No paper need be submitted to attend from industry (including policy, NGO and related non-academic sectors)

These fees can be paid on the day (online) if space is available. Register ahead to secure a space.


Day 1 fee (includes Welcome Reception): £120

Day 2 fee (includes Industry Session and Networking Reception): £100

Day 3 fee (excludes gala dinner): £100 

Additional fees

Additional paper charge: £100 (maximum 2 per delegate) per paper

Additional gala dinner attendee for non-registered delegate: £200 (restricted spaces so please apply early)

UCL students and staff may attend presentation and poster sessions free of charge depending on space available. UCL proof of identity required. NOTE this does not refer to presenting a paper at the conference for which the above registration fees apply.